Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cat or Seagull?

Pooh is named after a bear, but he is actually a seagull. However, he may think he is a cat. He was adopted by the Grimwood family in Shoreham-By-Sea when he fell down their chimney as a chick. He was brought up with their cats before leaving the home when he learned how to fly.

However, the Grimwoods had not seen the last of Pooh. Each year, he comes back with his lady seagull friend to nest on their roof. While nesting, he drops in every day and helps himself to the cats’ food. The cats' views on this have not been recorded.


An inuit panda production


String Bean Jen said...

I thought at first the cat seemed nonplussed by the seagull but upon closer inspection it looks quite angry and jealous but unwilling to attack as it knows it will get a bollocking from its human parent(s).

ian said...

I would not fancy a cat's chances against a seagull.