Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Bloglinks Purge Completed

I notice that either Foneblog is down, or everyone I know with a Foneblog has had theirs deleted. Oh well. If they come back I may link to them.

If you are looking at this on stinky Livejournal, I urge you to take a look at the real Inuit Bikini Scarlet Carwash, where you can check out my links to the very greatest other blogs in the world.

If I have forgotten to link to your blog, let me know.


Andrew Farrell said...

Silly, if they were actually great blogs, they'd already be syndicated on LiveJournal.

Anonymous said...

Foneblog has decided that it won't allow external links, because Bad People were linking to Porn. I have various contacts inside the company and I'm working them hard but no dice so far.