Monday, July 17, 2006

Our country is in safe hands

I basically see the market economy as a lesser evil, something that works more convincingly than any of the alternatives. Nevertheless, it does tend to favour twatmunks, as this encounter by my beloved reveals:

"Really bizarre experience getting the bus to work this morning. All the bus stops appeared to have been taken over by gaggles of besuited muppets who had no idea how to board a bus. They seemed to have no concept whatsoever of the idea of queuing, getting on the bus in single file, not blocking the doors while others are trying to get on or get off … It was really quite painful to watch.

"My bus took twice as long to get to Donnybrook, as it had to stop for ages at each stop while these geniuses strove to get their
branes around such gargantuan stumbling blocks as Having The Right Change, Not Blocking The Aisles, and Knowing Which Stop To Get Off At.

I was completely mystified by it, until I remembered that there’s a taxi strike today. These are people who get taxis to work every day! In other words, the people who are in all probability running thecountry. And they are completely incapable of using public transport."


Anonymous said...

That must have been quite a sight! I wonder what Chicago would be like if we ever had a tax strike. Wow.

Big Boss said...

People get taxis to work every day? Jesus! And I notice that there are more helicopters in the air every month. Lets eat the rich.