Friday, April 13, 2007

Things I did in Cork: Visiting Fota Wildlife Park

It's true. We had a confirmed sighting of a red squirrel (you can definitively differentiate them from the often surprisingly rusty grey squirrels by looking at the ears – if they sport tufts of hair, it's a red). Red squirrels are well known for their being on the way out, largely because the skanger grey squirrels out-compete them. So it was nice to see this little fellow foraging for nuts, but less nice to witness some Cork urchins shout "A squirrel! Get him!" before chasing him up a tree to shouts of "We'll get you next time!". I would love to say that the fuckers were then kicked to death by the park's free roaming wallabies, but that would not be accurate.

We also saw some Capybaras hiding on an island from unruly children.

More Fota action


Anonymous said...

I want a capybara!

ian said...

don't we all?