Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What I did on my holidays part 3: a funeral

Part three of my account of my action-packed break from work. You can read the previous part here.

I mentioned going to see the three DruidO'Casey plays. During a break from these my beloved received a phone call informing her that her brother-in-law's condition had worsened. David had been sick for a while and had moved into palliative care. Now the final stage was approaching. The next day my beloved went to visit him in the hospice while I met some of my friends, expecting (or hoping) that I would be able to see David myself the next day. It was not to be. As I walked home I saw the message telling me he had passed that evening. He was a good man and everyone that knew him will miss him. Looking at his death notice on RIP.ie and then seeing his shrunken body in the coffin engendered thoughts about the transience of life; we are not here for long. Seamie O'Dowd's rendition of "The Parting Glass" at David's funeral made for another emotional moment.

image source (RIP.ie)

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