Monday, March 11, 2013

By train to Greece

I am planning to go to Greece in the autumn. It is somewhere I have long been interested in and, as I get older, I feel the need to get round to visiting those places I have always wanted to visit before I shuffle off this mortal coil.

Because I like trains, my current intention is to travel to Greece by train and ferry (and then fly back, because I am not made of time). I intend being in London in early September (to see all three parts of Shakespeare's Henry VI in the Globe) and will from there be able to depart. The wonderful the Man In Seat 61 website suggests a great route from London - Eurostar to Paris, TGV to Milan, Frecciabianca to Bari, overnight ferry to Patras (with a view of Ithaka in the morning) and bus to Athens. I will probably break the journey in Milan and spend a day looking around there.

Why am I telling you this? Well, partly to communicate how glamorous and exciting my life is. But also I think to bring Man In Seat 61 website to the attention of my friends (apart from the friends who told me about it). The site has loads of great stuff about how to get from London (where, presumably, Mr Man In Seat 61 is based) to other places in Europe, but also on train travel generally around the world. The thing I find really amazing is that you can board a train in London in the morning and arrive in Milan that night. If I lived in London I would be doing this all the time (or I would aspire to be doing this all the time).


The Man In Seat 61

From London to Greece by train

Henry VI

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