Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dracula's Music Cabinet "The Vampires of Dartmoore"

This is a Finders Keepers record. And I have not listened to it yet, because it is on vinyl and the Panda Mansions record player has not been reconnected since we moved to our new abode. From looking at the sleeve, this seems to be a piece of German horror-erotica exploitation music by some library music session musos, a soundtrack to a non-existent film. The sleevenotes suggest that it might belong to the same universe as the wonderful Vampiros Lesbos/Sexadelic Dance Party record by Manfred Hubler, so I am hoping for good things here. The opening track is called 'The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sex*', draw your own conclusions.

*Or, as the Germans say, 'Die Folterkammer des Dr. Sex'

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