Saturday, May 16, 2009

Comics Roundup 16/5/2009

Seaguy: Slaves of Mickey Eye #2, by Grant Morrison & Cameron Stewart

Seaguy was being held prisoner in a hospital, but then he was busted out by three duplicates of himself. They created a new identity for him as El Macho, King of the Bulldressers. But they three duplicates seem perhaps to be less friendly than they appear – could they be brainwashing Seaguy? Meanwhile, in Mickey Eye Park, Doc Hero is forcibly made to miss his first go on the roundabout in twenty years. Sinister forces are clearly moving into alignment.

Sherlock Holmes #1 by Leah Moore, John Reppion, & Aaron Campbell

The last Moore-Reppion title was that Albion comic. It was no good, with its reimaging of various lost British comics characters coming across like Alan Moore pastiche. This is more entertaining, being a fairly straight Holmes and Watson story, this issue ending with Holmes arrested and on trial for murder! My God! Can't wait for the second issue.

The London setting reminds me a bit of that Blake & Mortimer comic I read a while back, though it is not written in clear line style.

Superman: World of New Krypton #3, by James Robinson, Greg Rucka, and Pete Woods

Superman is now living on New Krypton with a load of other super people. The internal politics of the superfolk (or Kyptonians, as they like to call themselves) seem a bit suckass, and Superman finds himself facing a near bloodbath when violence erupts over an attempt by lower caste Kryptonians to improve their status.

I am enjoying this a lot, but I reckon it is probably not the kind of thing you would like.

Unknown Soldier #7, by Joshua Dysart & Alberto Ponticelli

So this Ugandan-American doctor was doing aid work in Uganda when he discovered that somehow he has acquired these strange super-soldier like abilities – handy if you find yourself up against the Lord's Resistance Army. I think maybe this is drifting a bit, not really showing any obvious sign of developing where the doctor's strange new nature has come from, but I liked this issue a bit more than previous ones.

I would love to know how realistic the African setting is. Dysart (the writer) does not pretend that he is anything other than a white American, but his interest in Uganda oozes out of this title. The setting certainly feels real, but I have never been to Uganda (and even if I were ever there, I would very much not be going to the part of the country the story is set in).

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