I was going to write about J.G. Ballard dying and stuff, but then I remembered that I have not actually read anything by him, apart from one short story. It featured cars and strange eroticism, and was generally a bit weird, so I suppose it works as summary of his life's work. Apart from having seen David Cronenburg's film adaptation of Crash, I am more familiar with music inspired or based on Ballard's writings. Hawkwind's 'High Rise' and The Normal's 'Warm Leatherette' & 'T.V.O.D.' are the real stars here.
I feel like I should actually read one of Ballard's novels sometime, so will probably push for 'High Rise' or 'The Atrocity Exhibition' at the Science Fiction book club tomorrow.
What pop music tells us about JG Ballard (why are all the comments by people called Ian?)
JG Ballard: The music he inspired
dude, you need to fix that _right now_. the guy was a visionary.