Friday, December 12, 2008

Look Good. Feel Great.

Would you like to know more?


  1. ah, actually you might be able to help. do you know anyone who might want a giant pile of RPGs/board games (mainly GW and TSR) from the late 80s? including such classics as:

    Golden Heroes
    Chaos Marauders
    Original Card version of Bloodbowl

    (and indeed, a 3,000 point (Warhammer III values) Orc & Goblin army)

    Apparently we need the cupboard space for something else. More shoes probably...

  2. You are a very nice man.

  3. Carsmile, if you mail me a list of what you have I'll see what I can shift.

    And Wood - well done, you have discovered the importance of striking images in marketing.
