Thursday, October 30, 2008

No turning back

So yeah, I have registered for that write a novel in a month thing, so there's no turning back. My novel will be something of a cross between the Illuminatus! trilogy and A Confederacy of Dunces


  1. what is your username? I want to buddy you!

  2. Hi Rosie, I am InuitMonster there (this is fast becoming my default dullo internet name, in a world where calling yourself a dirty vicar is a recipe for trouble).

    I hope all this buddying and NaNoWriMo forum stuff doesn't get in the way of writing what will surely be the greatest novels ever written.

  3. Go for it! Will you be posting it?

  4. Neato! You must post angsty blog entries about the tortuous creative process daily.

    That way if you don't make the target you can blame the Blogosphere.

  5. I won't post my awesome novel while it is being written, as a way of saving time, but may do so afterwards. Time will tell whether I post about the novel while writing it.
