Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Over on Freaky Trigger, yer man Tom Ewing has been doing a lot of musing about music blogs and all that. This reminds me of how this was originally meant to be a music blog, recycling stuff I had written elsewhere for the wider public of the blogoweb. Sadly, dogs and other animals intervened, making this a blog in which music only marginally appears. Maybe in retrospect I should have started yet another blog for the non-music stuff. Or whatever.

I would post a link to what Tom was saying about music blogs, except that when you post a link to a Freaky Trigger post, you appear in the comments to said post with a link back, and basically you look like you are trying to pimp your blog. I would rather wait until I have something to pimp.


  1. Again with the talk of pimping? I'm getting a bit about the economy now!

  2. i'm pretty sure it only does that linky thing if yr on wordpress as well, not if yr on blogger...

  3. I think it will do the kinky thing from absolutely anything.
