Thursday, August 17, 2006

WARLORDS OF PEZ Crawdaddy 6/6/06

As you know, WARLORDS OF PEZ are devil rockers from outer space. At this gig, proceedings were enlivened by a surprise appearance by SATAN HIMSELF. Out father below turns out to be a rather rotund fellow with a surfeit of arms who played a lovely song on an acoustic guitar. Once again Christian lies are exposed. The WARLORDS OF PEZ played their songs and gave away a lovely CD of tunes from their forthcoming album. I bought a Warlords t-shirt, the hope being that one day I will be wearing it and some laydees will think I am in the band and make lewd propositions to me. The Warlords wear masks, see, making it easy for any chancer to pretend to be one of them. Watch the minge roll in, wheh wheh wheh.

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